
Random thoughts.

I was going to write something down like one day ago. I felt like I was in the mood for writing but then...nothing. I have a lot of thoughts running into my mind but basically I can't find one that is worth to write down. I mean, it's not like there's a lot goin' on in my life this days, but still I wanted to communicate something. I've been working like a dog in the last days and two weeks seems like ages when you are waiting for your holidays. I was supposed to go to Tokyo with a coleague this time but at the moment he's at the hospital, trying to heal from pneumonia. I hope he gets well soon, but at the moment my plans are screwed. In the end I guess I'm gonna go for a visit at my parents' house. It's not exciting like going to the other part of the world but still, I want to see them and check how they are doin'.
In the past weeks I had a chance to go out clubbin' and I did it. Me and one of my spanish flatmates went to a club called "Salsa", in Soho, central London. Nice latin-american music, nice chicks and, I have to say it, very nice red wine. Not that the 2 bottles we had at home before we went there were bad. Pre-drinking is a must if you don't want to spend a gazillion pounds on the same shit you could buy in a random grocery shop.
Let's start saying that I can't dance salsa, I'm not a totally bad dancer, I mean, at least I can follow the rithm somehow. As I told you before the music was nice and the place was extremely hot. My clothes were totally wet and I was so that for a second I thought I was turning into Aquaman.
Sweat stories apart, I met a thai girl in the club and I started dancing with her. The morning after I was living her apartment without remembering her name or having her number. I'm not proud of that but hangover didn't allow me to even think about talking when we said goodbye.
Last week I've also lost 5 more kilos for a total amount of 46 kgs lost in just one year. I'm kinda proud of myself even if I admit I haven't lost 'em in the bast way for my health. My body is changed a lot in the last year and I'm not used to the way it looks now, yet. My life and self exteem are finally finding some satisfaction, but honestly I don't feel totally happy. I still need to start with the gym, because I've lost weight but also muscolar tone, and that's not good, plus I still feel like i miss something.
I should think about that very deeply, just to find out what can I do to make my life better once for all.

1 comment:

Tina said...

I'm happy ur feeling about urself, although u should have lost that weight at the expense of ur health! Be careful lino!

And I promise...you WILL find what your looking for :).